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CapnoLearning brings together physiology, psychology, and technology to create powerful tools for identifying good and bad breathing habits, for learning to disengage habits that compromise physical and mental competence, and for learning new breathing habits that promote health and performance.

This book is a “must have” for all those interested in teaching and learning optimal respiration. Learn about  breathing behaviors, habits, and patterns and their effects on physiology and psychology by practicing 18 different protocols presented in the book.

BOOK $45.00
USA shipping $7.00
USA total $52.00


BOOK $45.00
International shipping $20.00
International total $65.00

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Audio and video course: CapnoLearning

Your prefer the authors of the book reading the book to you and watching 10 additional videos with practical applications of CapnoLearning? Find out more about the latest course of the Breathing Science Journal here:

Audio and video course